

Blog by Nicolas

How to Develop a Client Persona
Create client personas in 6 steps to drive results and increase sales with targeted marketing campaigns.
07.24.2023 03:28 PM - Comment(s)
Understanding the Limitations of AI in Marketing for Legal Tech
What really is the impact of AI in marketing within the legal tech space? Let’s explore this closely.
05.22.2023 03:46 PM - Comment(s)
Making LinkedIn Your Favorite Client Source
The LinkedIn platform is currently in a class of its own in its ability to allow professionals to find and connect with business owners and individuals who genuinely have an interest or need for their services.
05.22.2023 03:45 PM - Comment(s)
AI Isn't New to Law: How the Practice of Law Should Embrace AI
Understanding what AI is — and what it is not — helps to identify where it can be of value and what limitations it currently has. Not only will AI certainly impact your practice in the future, it already has.
05.01.2023 02:42 PM - Comment(s)
A Seat at the Table
This month marks the 4th Anniversary of RPC Strategies. Public reception of our brand at industry conferences in Q1 2023 has been exciting, rewarding and humbling. It seems RPC Strategies has secured its seat at the proverbial table in legal tech.
04.10.2023 04:09 PM - Comment(s)
3 Marketing and Sales Considerations for Investors of Legal Tech
It is important to conduct your own due diligence on the background of the founder and leadership team, their practical knowledge of the legal industry, marketing and sales resources employed and the message they are sending through their content and tech stack.
03.16.2023 01:49 AM - Comment(s)
8 Pro Tips for Maximizing Pre- and Post-Event Marketing and Sales Efforts
Conference season is here! Legalweek and other legal tech events are happening, and legal professionals can make the most out of these events by following pre- and post-event marketing and sales strategies recommended by legal marketing and sales executives.
03.15.2023 11:38 AM - Comment(s)
What Legal Tech Investors Really Want
Every VC looking to invest in the legal technology space is motivated by the pursuit of profit. But how do they know whether a particular legal tech product or service is going to generate a positive return?
12.06.2022 03:43 AM - Comment(s)
What Legal Tech Startups Really Need
The following six steps will help make sure your startup is set up for sales success and, ultimately, be worthy of capital investment.
12.05.2022 07:53 PM - Comment(s)
How to Bearproof the Legal Industry Despite Rumors of a Recession!
While talk of recession is prevalent, it does not actually mean a recession is near. With that said, the legal industry can bearproof itself with these strategies.
09.29.2022 01:14 AM - Comment(s)